Just the everyday thoughts and observations from a nebraska woman.
What's your opinion on this? I thought it was a little extreme to go with permenant tatoos. What's he going to do later on in life? He is going to be advertising companies that dont exist when he is 60. Unless he spends alot of money on getting them removed.

N.Y. Man to Use Tattoos As Advertisements
January 29, 2005 8:14 AM EST
NEW YORK - Old school: The body is a temple. The Next Big Thing, according to 31-year-old Joe Tamargo: The body is a billboard. Tamargo, who runs a Web site LivingAdSpace.com, has started a new enterprise, selling advertisers the opportunity to permanently tattoo their messages on his body.

After posting his offer on eBay, the responses began to trickle in.

Two advertisers earned spots on his right arm - and put a little more than $1,000 in his pocket. A California pharmaceutical company last week posted an ad for pilldaddy.com for $500. On Thursday, Tamargo earned $510 to have "Save Martha! It's a good thing. SaveMartha.com" permanently etched farther down the same arm.

"They say there's nothing better in advertising than word of mouth," said Tamargo, who lives on Long Island. "I figured, this might be better."

Other people have sold their bodies for temporary tattoo messages. Tamargo claims to be the only one agreeing to be etched with a permanent message.

"I think this is a way to connect people with businesses," said Tamargo, who had traditional tattoos - including a cross - before going commercial. "I figure instead of people wearing a Tommy Hilfiger logo on their shirt, they can wear the actual logo on their arm."

Hani Durzy, a spokesman for eBay, said the online sales service has no objection to what Tamargo is doing. "The most important thing is that the buyer and seller agree on the terms, whatever the deal is," he said.

John Small, the leader of the Martha Stewart fan group SaveMartha.com, says he has been exploring various ways to keep the spotlight on the domestic goddess's plight. Stewart was convicted last year for lying about a stock deal in 2001.

"We were looking for a way to make our message heard," Small said. "We were thinking this would be a good shot in the arm."

Since Tamargo refuses to accept any advertisement he deems explicit or controversial - and will only advertise products and messages he endorses, the Martha Stewart ad was a very good thing.

"I definitely support her," Tamargo said. "I think she was targeted for the wrong reasons and I think her punishment was too severe."

Madison Avenue advertising guru Jerry DellaFemina could hardly contain his laughter when asked if Tamargo may be starting a new trend.

"This may be the end of advertising," he said, chuckling. "Really, this may be it."

He also couldn't help himself when speculating on how far tattoo advertising may go.

"I don't even want to ask where he might want to place an ad for Viagra."

Here is a link to all the other people that offer advertising space on their bodies. Good grief have we gone so far that we have to see an add when we look at another person. If I want to see a commercial/ advertisment I'd watch more TV. Link

on Feb 02, 2005
Funny, but sad. What happens 15 years from now when companies such as SaveMartha don't exist?

Smart, but dumb.


on Feb 02, 2005
I agree Beebes. He isnt even getting alot of money off of them. If you look at the second link, there are some people doing temporary tatoos that are making almost as much as he is. There is a bartender who has already gotten a $200 bid for a temporary tatoo. And SaveMartha only spent $510 for a permenant tatoo. I think he needs to re think his pricing if he is going to do this. But it seems stupid to me in the first place.
on Feb 02, 2005
There is a group of people from British Columbia, Canada offer permanent tatoes for advertising. They have been doing it for while now. So he is definately not the first. Just depends if you happen to end up in the main stream media first if you are given the credit with coming up with the idea. Also if you get more exposure in the main stream media you will probably end up getting higher bids.
on Feb 04, 2005
Good grief there are more like him out there. Why on earth would you want to turn yourself into a walking billboard for the rest of your life. I dont think any amount of money would be worth it. I like tattos but there should be more meaning behind them than just getting paid a few bucks.