Just the everyday thoughts and observations from a nebraska woman.
Does anyone really know what they are talking about?
Published on February 3, 2005 By Nebraskawoman In Current Events
This Spongebob thing is out of hand. Here is the link to the Focus on the Family website that started this whole mess. Focus on the Family
Here is the link to the website who made the video that caused the whole ruckus with the Focus on the Family people. We are Family
The only mention of homosexuality that the We are Family Foundation is even closed to being linked to is this website that they promote Tolerance. org

What do you guys think of this whole mess? I think its gotten way out of hand. It doesn't seem like anyone really knows whats going on.


on Feb 03, 2005
Oh, at this point, I just think it's a big laugh riot (If you've followed FOTF's "positions" on other popular media through the years, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about here).
on Feb 04, 2005
Yeah I do. These people just cant leave anything be.