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Ethics of Blogging
blogging in the news
Published on March 9, 2005 By
Current Events
I was watching Nightline last night and they were talking about blogging and the ethics/rules that might be missing. What do y'all think?
Here is the article on their website:
Blogger Influence Raises Ethical Questions
NEW YORK Jan 21, 2005 — When Jerome Armstrong began consulting for Howard Dean's presidential campaign, he thought the ethical thing to do was to suspend the Web journal where he opined on politics.
But to suggest others do the same with their journals, otherwise known as blogs? No way.
"If I'm getting paid by a client, I don't blog about it. That's my personal set of standards," Armstrong said. "I'm not going to hold anybody else to my personal standards. I'm not going to make that universal."
The growing influence of blogs such as his is raising questions about whether they are becoming a new form of journalism and in need of more formal ethical guidelines or codes of conduct.
According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, 27 percent of adults who go online in the United States read blogs. And blogs have greater impact because their readers tend to be policy makers and other influencers of public opinion, media experts say.
So far, many bloggers resist any notion of ethical standards, saying individuals ought to decide what's right for them. After all, they say, blog topics range from trying to sway your presidential vote to simply talking about the day's lunch.
Blogging is more like a conversation, and "you can't develop a code of ethics for conversations," said David Weinberger, a prominent blogger and research fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. "A conversation with your best friend would become stilted and alienating."
Others, however, have pushed written guidelines.
Jonathan Dube, managing producer at MSNBC.com and publisher of CyberJournalist.net, modified the Society of Professional Journalists' code of ethics and urged fellow bloggers to adopt it. The principles: Be honest and fair. Minimize harm. Be accountable.
Longtime blogger Rebecca Blood circulated guidelines that call for disclosing any conflicts of interest, publicly correcting any misinformation and linking to any source materials referenced in postings.
"It seems pretty clear to me that having some kind of standard contributes to an individual blogger's own credibility," she said.
Yet Blood knows of fewer than 10 bloggers who have adopted her guidelines by linking to the document.
How bloggers handle matters of ethics and disclosure vary greatly.
While Armstrong suspended his blog, a partner in his political consulting firm, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, kept his going and instead posted a disclosure about the payment. The Dean campaign had paid the pair $3,000 a month for technical consulting services.
Others saw no need to disclose at all. In South Dakota, blogger Jon Lauck said many people knew he was a paid consultant to John Thune's Senate campaign, but Lauck didn't believe he had to post any "flashing banner" on his site.
He said that unlike mainstream news organization, blogs like his never claim to be objective, and anyone reading a few posts would quickly know he was pro-Thune with or without disclosure.
Beyond politics, marketers have turned to blogs as well.
A company called Marqui is paying about 20 bloggers $800 a month to write about the company and its products for managing marketing campaigns. Marqui says negative reviews are OK, and bloggers are permitted to disclose the payments.
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc. took a similar tactic when it launched a new flavored milk drink called Raging Cow.
Many news organizations have formal guidelines separating editorial and business operations, and journalism schools and professional societies try to teach good practices.
Bloggers, though, tend to shudder at being called journalists, even as lines between the two blur.
When Apple Computer Inc. got court orders allowing it to subpoena bloggers for the identities of people who had leaked company secrets, two of the bloggers responded by claiming they were entitled to protect confidential sources the way traditional journalists do.
And in Cambridge, Mass., Friday and Saturday, a conference called "Blogging, Journalism and Credibility" explored the evolution of blogging and journalism and the influences of one on the other.
Many bloggers believe standards of practices are inevitable, even if they aren't something formalized in writing.
Zephyr Teachout, who was Dean's director of online organizing, likens it to crafting a constitution not necessarily written as a formal code of conduct, but as a set of accepted norms.
"Do you do it through a code of ethics? Do you do it by just talking to a lot of people about it? I don't know," she said.
Teachout has been thinking about such issues for about a year, she said, and is "constantly changing my mind."
"Now, to some degree, bloggers are going through the same stages that professional journalism went through at the beginning of the 20th century," said Jay Rosen, a blogger and professor of journalism at New York University. That was when newspapers started becoming independent and severed ties with political parties.
In some sense, bloggers already have informally adopted norms that go beyond what traditional journalists do, Rosen said. For instance, bloggers who don't link to source materials aren't taken seriously, while traditional news organizations have no such policies.
Dan Gillmor, a former newspaper columnist now studying citizen-driven journalism through blogging, said bloggers who want an audience will voluntarily adopt principles of fairness, thoroughness, accuracy and transparency.
"No one's bound by these rules," Gillmor said, "but I think some norms will emerge for people who want to be taken seriously."
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Gene Nash
on Mar 09, 2005
I'm taking this as more MSM being unable to handle that the power of the press is now available to anyone who wants it. "I know, let's do a nice 'balenced' piece slanted toward how unethical blogging is!"
Whenever something like this comes up, consider it in light of traditional publishing.
How bloggers handle matters of ethics and disclosure vary greatly.
RIght back at 'em -- from the New York Times to the National Enquirer.
Dan Gillmor, a former newspaper columnist now studying citizen-driven journalism through blogging, said bloggers who want an audience will voluntarily adopt principles of fairness, thoroughness, accuracy and transparency.
Because no-one reads things like supermarket tabloids, The Star, or The New York Post.
on Mar 09, 2005
That's about how I feel about this one too. Last night on Nightline most of it was a senator whining because some bloggers disagreed with a bill he was trying to pass, and wrote a blog on it. Because of her blog, the senator was sent emails and letters from thousands of women across the country against his bill. He then withdrew his bill. What I watched was this senator whining about how the blogging groups should be treated like any other media and she should have had to run her article through his office before posting it. The whole show in my opinion was pointed toward making bloggers look irresponsible and unethical. I thought it was ridiculous. Did anyone else see the show? I love how they try to make themselves look like they are so pristine and perfect.
on Mar 09, 2005
I also enjoyed the Senators reaction. He actually said that every time someone covers him they should have to contact him first. Right.. I am sure every news paper, TV, and radio news outlet contacts every person mentioned in any broadcast everytime... Even if they did it would be a voluntary courtesy, not a requirement. He was incensed that Joe Average actually scrutinzed his actions.
on Mar 09, 2005
yeah he acted like he should be above the critisism of the average person.(Forgive my spelling, my cold medicine is kicking in.) He wouldn't have had this problem if he had bothered to answer her letter she sent him. She only got mad and posted her blog when his office didnt have the decency to send her information on the bill that he was pushing through. I guess he will pay more attention to the voting public from now on. Or at least we can hope.
Gene Nash
on Mar 10, 2005
if he had bothered to answer her letter she sent him.
Ah ha! So she
personally contact his office first!
I feel so sorry for him.
on Mar 10, 2005
When I see "professional" journalists start showing concern for "professional" ethics, then maybe I'll be more concerned with blogger ethics!!
In a day when the head of the Washington Bureau of the Boston Globe sees no conflict of interest accepting a paid position on the Kerry campaign staff, there is a problem. When very few professional journalists seem to have a problem with it either, you have a complete breakdown.
Very good bit of writing here!!!
on Mar 10, 2005
Ah ha! So she did personally contact his office first!
Yeah, she sent an email/letter to his office asking for information on his bill so that she could understand it better but she never got an answer from his office. So she got frustrated with him and wrote her opinion and what she knew about the bill in her blog. She urged people to write to him and urged people in his area to find someone to run against him for next term.
I feel so sorry for him.
Yeah, he is making himself look like a buffoon.
When I see "professional" journalists start showing concern for "professional" ethics, then maybe I'll be more concerned with blogger ethics!!
In a day when the head of the Washington Bureau of the Boston Globe sees no conflict of interest accepting a paid position on the Kerry campaign staff, there is a problem. When very few professional journalists seem to have a problem with it either, you have a complete breakdown.
I completely agree. It's ridiculous that they preach ethics to bloggers but don't follow those ethics themselves.
Very good bit of writing here!!!
Thank you very much.
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