Just the everyday thoughts and observations from a nebraska woman.
Nebraskawoman's Articles In Current Events
February 3, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
This Spongebob thing is out of hand. Here is the link to the Focus on the Family website that started this whole mess. Focus on the Family Here is the link to the website who made the video that caused the whole ruckus with the Focus on the Family people. We are Family The only mention of homosexuality that the We are Family Foundation is even closed to being linked to is this website that they promote Tolerance. org Tolerance.org What do you guys think of this whole mess? I thin...
February 2, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
What's your opinion on this? I thought it was a little extreme to go with permenant tatoos. What's he going to do later on in life? He is going to be advertising companies that dont exist when he is 60. Unless he spends alot of money on getting them removed. N.Y. Man to Use Tattoos As Advertisements January 29, 2005 8:14 AM EST NEW YORK - Old school: The body is a temple. The Next Big Thing, according to 31-year-old Joe Tamargo: The body is a billboard. Tamargo, who runs a Web site Livin...
April 28, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Ok, I want to know. Who smokes and who doesn't? Where does everyone stand on these smoking bans that seem to be popping out all over the place? I don't smoke but have plenty of friends that do. I think these smoking bans are getting ridiculous. I can kind of understand the restaurants but the bars? Hello, it's not like you go in the bar for it to be good for your health. I think the owners should have the final say in whether they want to be smoke free or not. What does everyone else think? I...
April 28, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Exploding Toads Puzzle German Scientists April 28, 2005 8:15 AM EDT BERLIN - More than 1,000 toads have puffed up and exploded in a Hamburg pond in recent weeks, and German scientists have no explanation for what's causing the combustion. Both the pond's water and body parts of the toads have been tested, but scientists have been unable to find a bacteria or virus that would cause the toads to swell up and pop, said Janne Kloepper, of the Hamburg-based Institute for Hygiene and the Envir...
March 14, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Does anyone else think that this is a little disturbing? I can't believe that they weren't concerned about this conviction just because it was in another country. I don't like the thought of this guy running a state program. What do ya'll think? Nebraska Hires Man Convicted of Murder Link March 14, 2005 3:33 PM EST LINCOLN, Neb. - A man convicted in absentia of murdering Dian Fossey, the American wildlife researcher whose work in Africa was the subject of the movie "Gorillas in the M...
March 9, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
I was watching Nightline last night and they were talking about blogging and the ethics/rules that might be missing. What do y'all think? Here is the article on their website: Blogger Influence Raises Ethical Questions Link NEW YORK Jan 21, 2005 — When Jerome Armstrong began consulting for Howard Dean's presidential campaign, he thought the ethical thing to do was to suspend the Web journal where he opined on politics. But to suggest others do the same with their journals, ot...
April 26, 2006 by Nebraskawoman
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January 10, 2006 by Nebraskawoman
Oprah got played. This guy writes what he claims is a lie-filled "nonfiction" book about his life and Oprah eats it up. Here is an excerpt of the article that exposes his lies. "Book Club" author's best-selling nonfiction memoir filled with fabrications, falsehoods, other fakery, TSG probe finds JANUARY 8--Oprah Winfrey's been had. Three months ago, in what the talk show host termed a "radical departure," Winfrey announced that "A Million Little Pieces," author James Frey's nonf...
May 21, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Ok, I don't see why they rejected his request. What harm would come by this? He would still be put to death but his sister would have a chance to live. Why deny this lifesaving measure to an innocent person? He is still going to pay for what he did but another innocent person will be allowed to live. His sister doesn't deserve to die but without a liver transplant she could do just that. The Indiana Parole Board is essentially making a decision that could cause her death. Can anyone explain ...
May 11, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
05/11/2005 Jail bond passes by 2-1 margin By: Kay Grote , Regional Reporter The bond issue to allow the county to construct a new $12 million jail facility passed Tuesday by a more than 2 to 1 margin. The unofficial tally announced by County Clerk Vera Dulaney at 9 p.m. Tuesday was 2,596 in favor and 1,173 against. Despite a light 17 percent voter turnout, county officials were pleased with the election's outcome, which represented a two-year effort to educate the public about t...
May 6, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
This is a problem in all jails. Our jail has a showers in the employee bathrooms because we have problems with this. And punishment is almost impossible. Usually in our jail they are put on lockdown for a minimum of 96 hours and lose their commisary. {Jail store where inmates are allowed to buy candy bars, hygiene products, paper, envelopes, stamps, etc...} But this only curbs the problem temporarily. BR> Prison Guards Seek Protection From Fluids May 04, 2005 5:17 PM EDT MONTPELIER, Vt. -...
May 5, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Well, the day is almost here. On Tuesday the 10th of May, the voters of Scottsbluff County will decide if we get a new jail. So far it sounds pretty split. But most of the people that are against it don't think of the people that work there. They are just thinking that the inmates get too much as it is. {I have to admit before working in the jail, I used to think like that. Working in this situation has changed my mind alot. It's a whole different perspective when you are the one having to fa...
April 29, 2005 by Nebraskawoman
Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads April 28, 2005 8:02 PM EDT BERLIN - Why are toads puffing up and spontaneously exploding in northern Europe? It began in a posh German neighborhood and has spread across the border into Denmark. It's left onlookers baffled, but one German scientist studying the splattered amphibian remains now has a theory: Hungry crows may be pecking out their livers. "The crows are clever," said Frank Mutschmann, a Berlin veterinarian who collected and tested ...